Everything you need to scale your traffic with programmatic SEO

Learn (and actually apply) the skills you need to drive traffic and sales using programmatic SEO.

This programmatic SEO course covers no-code pSEO, using AI content, and using AI as a code copilot—even if you've never written a line of code in your life.

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Top pages

I wanted to add a programmatic section to my site, but not knowing how to code was a massive barrier.

Rather than hiring a developer, I bought Practical Programmatic and within an hour I knew exactly how to do it!

Niche Site Lady
Niche Site Lady, earned $1m+ from blogging

Keyword research

Good SEO always starts with keyword research. And pSEO is no different. You'll learn how to combine broad head terms with specific modifiers to find repeatable patterns perfect for programmatic SEO.

Finding the right data

Unique data is the best way to build programmatic SEO templates that work. You can find public data, scrape it, build your own, or use a combo of all three to be truly unique.

Crafting your templates

You should spend as much time on your templates as you did on your data. A template that changes with the data & shows the most useful content to your users is what you want.

Automation workflows

To put it all together, you'll learn how to build automation programs that take your data and templates and turn them into a series of high-quality blog posts or landing pages.

Indexing your content

You can't rank for your keywords if the search engines don't know about your content! This course will teach you the technical SEO & tips to make sure your pages are indexed and ranked.

Fixing common issues

Things can get quite technical when you do pSEO, so you'll also need to learn how to avoid common pitfalls and fix issues like crawl speeds, duplicate content and keyword cannibalization.

Ian is hands down the most successful person at pSEO I've ever known.

Allison Seboldt
Allison Seboldt

If you're into pSEO, be sure to connect with Ian - he's the top dog in the pSEO game!

Shaikat Ray
Shaikat Ray

Ian's threads are the gateway drug to programmatic SEO.

Raj Jha
Raj Jha

Programmatic SEO for performance

Grow your bottom line

Inbound content marketing is one of the best ways to grow your revenue. Programmatic SEO is like the rocket fuel that can scale it to reach as many potential customers as possible.

From top of the funnel keywords like Best {product} for {use} to bottom of the funnel keywords like {product} vs {competitor}, you can use pSEO as part of a scalable and repeatable strategy for product growth.

With the skills you'll learn in this course, you can apply programmatic SEO to your | and start scaling your traffic (but also, more importantly, your revenue).

Revenue growth

$$$ Traffic pSEO launch

*note: this example is just to illustrate how pSEO can grow revenue, but it is based on real site data

You're full of actual, actionable advice on both an idea and technical level.

I have a virtual sticky note full of pSEO tactics and strategies from you, like easy location-based internal linking.

Justin Charnell
Justin Charnell

I'd never tried pSEO until this course and Ian made the whole process super easy to understand for a non-coder like myself. It gave me lots of ideas on how to grow my portfolio.

Shawna Newman
Shawna Newman

I didn't know what Programmatic SEO was before Ian. Now I have 18 million pages submitted to Google. Great guy and great content.

Come on, Google, index!

Jordan Hansen
Jordan Hansen

Grow your business with programmatic SEO

Practical Programmatic is a no fluff course that will not only teach you the SEO skills you need, but also shows you how to apply them to grow your internet business.

one-time payment

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