Datasets for Programmatic SEO

Are you looking to build, or improve, a programmatic SEO site in the salary niche?

If so, today is your lucky day! We've put together the best 10 salary datasets for programmatic SEO (most of them are free) that you can download and use for your own projects.

Let's jump in.

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10 Useful Salary Datasets for pSEO

Along with a brief description of all the datasets, we have also included the format(s) they are available in.

1. Software Industry Salary

Available format(s): CSV

The Software Industry Salary Dataset is a collection of information on over 22700 software professionals, including their salaries, company name, company rating, number of times salaries reported, location, employment status, and job roles.

2. Global Remote Work Salaries

Available format(s): CSV, JSON

A dataset of Global Remote Work Salaries is a collection of data containing 16000 records of remote salary information. The dataset includes information such as work year, experience level, employment type, job title, salary, salary currency, salary in USD, employee residence, remote ratio, company location and company size.

3. Job Board Records

Available format(s): CSV

The Job Board Records dataset is a collection of 50000 records of job postings on Reed UK job board. The data fields in the dataset include category, city, state, company name, job title, job description, job requirement, job type, salary offered, and posting date.

4. Gender Pay Gap

Available format(s): XLS

The Gender Pay Gap dataset is a collection of annual gender pay gap estimates for UK employees, including information on age, occupation, industry, full-time and part-time status, region and other geographies, and public and private sector.

5. Global Salaries in InfoSec/Cybersecurity

Available format(s): CSV, JSON

The Global Salaries in InfoSec/Cybersecurity dataset, collected anonymously from and containing information on work year, experience level, employment type, job title, salary, currency, location, remote work ratio and company size.

6. Data Professionals Salary

Available format(s): CSV

The Data Professionals Salary dataset contains information on salaries for Data Scientists, Machine Learning Engineers, Data Analysts, and Data Engineers in various cities across India, including salary, city, and job title with 2500 records.

7.Average Annual Wages

Available format(s): CSV, XLS, XML

Dataset of average annual wages for full-time employees, including breakdowns by industry and location, obtained through National Accounts data and calculated using total wage bill divided by number of employees and ratio of usual weekly hours for full-time vs all employees.

8. Per Capita Income by County vs. Education

Available format(s): CSV

The Per Capita Income by County vs. Education dataset contains the list of personal income by county in the United States, correlated with education level data, obtained from official sources and It includes 3000 records.

9. NBA Players Performance and Salaries

Available format(s): CSV

Dataset of NBA player's performance and salaries, including salary figures, season information, physical attributes, draft information, college attended, career stats, and shooting hand preference. It contains more than 4000 records.

10. Salary by Profession and Country Over Time

Available format(s): CSV

The Salary by Profession and Country Over Time dataset contains salary information for data professionals in 46 countries, including job roles, experience level, gender, and geographic location, with the ability to track changes over time.

And that's it! I hope you found this list of salary datasets useful and if you do use any of them, let me know on Twitter.

Still on the hunt for datasets? Here are some more that might give you shiny object syndrome!

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