Adding dark mode

4 hours watched
4 completions

We can't ship this without adding dark mode support, can we?

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We're now at the stage where we can implement dark mode and make some UI improvements before deploying the app. Let's go through the changes we've made:

  1. Initially, we added the dark class to the <html> element in app.blade.php and public.blade.php .
  2. We then modified our app.js to dynamically add the dark class based on the user's system preferences.

UI Improvements

Background Colors

We updated the background colors for dark mode:

  • Main background: dark:bg-zinc-900
  • Navigation: dark:bg-zinc-900
  • Menu items on hover: dark:bg-zinc-800

Table Styling

We improved the table styling for dark mode:

  • Table header: dark:bg-zinc-800
  • Table body: dark:bg-zinc-800
  • Divider lines: dark:divide-zinc-700


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