Sync Webflow with Airtable usng Nobull

2 hours watched
6 completions

This lesson covers the process of creating and syncing a CMS database between Webflow and Airtable for managing a collection of apps.

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Setting Up a CMS Database in Webflow

Creating the Apps Collection

To begin working with the CMS database in Webflow, navigate to the CMS Collections tab on the left side. Create a new collection called "Apps" to store the list of all apps in your collection.

Adding Fields to the Collection

Start by modifying the default fields:

  1. Rename the first field to "App Name"
  2. Keep the "Slug" field as is

Add custom fields based on the data points scraped with Octoparse:

  • Website URL (Multiple line text)
  • Logo (Plain text)
  • Launch Date (Multiple line text)
  • Rating (Plain text)
  • Description (Plain text)


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