Setting up a Stripe subscription

49 hours watched
2 completions

Time to get some MRR by adding Stripe subscriptions courtesy of Laravel Cashier!

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one-time payment

In this lesson, we'll walk through the process of setting up a subscription plan in Stripe and integrating it with Laravel Cashier to enable paid features in our application.

Setting Up Stripe

  1. Create a premium tier in Stripe:

    • Go to Stripe dashboard > Product catalog
    • Add a new product called "Link That Pro"
    • Set the price to $10 USD yearly
    • Copy the price ID for later use
  2. Configure environment variables:

    • Add the following to your .env file:

      STRIPE_SECRET=your_secret_key STRIPE_PRICE_ID=your_price_id STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET=your_webhook_secret
  3. Set up Stripe webhook:

    • For local development, use a tool like Expose to create a public URL

    • Run the Laravel...

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