
3 hours watched
16 completions

This lesson introduces a WordPress-based programmatic SEO project for creating a comprehensive website featuring information on nearly 17,000 U.S. golf courses.

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Introduction to WordPress Programmatic SEO Case Study

Welcome to the first video in our WordPress programmatic SEO case study. This project focuses on building a comprehensive website for golf courses in the United States.

The Data

We've acquired a database containing information on nearly 17,000 golf courses across over 8,000 cities in the U.S. This extensive dataset includes:

  • Contact information
  • Classification (private, public, resort)
  • Year of construction
  • Dress codes
  • Fees
  • Ratings and reviews

Project Goals

Our aim is to create a valuable resource for golf enthusiasts, tourists, and locals alike. We'll be using this data to build informative templates that...

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